On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 12:50 -0500, Karl Haines wrote:
> I've been following the guide at:
> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_PPTP_VPN_client_%28Microsoft-compatible_with_mppe%29
> Trying to get my vpn to work going from my linux laptop. That would
> really make the boss jealous!

heh, vpn from my linux laptop to our windows servers worked for me over
a bad modem, and my boss who was travelling with me couldn't get his
working from his windows laptop!

>  Anyhow, when i run my ifconfing ppp0,
> after doing /etc/init.d/net.ppp0 start, it looks like this:


hmm, looks like you haven't got an ip address for the connection...
Personally, I use pon to start my vpn link.  what do you see in your
syslog?  try pon and see if the output tells you anything.

> I see no inet entries like i think i should, and if i do:
> route add -net netmask dev ppp0
> is says the interface doesn't exist!!

yeah, that won't work unless you have an ip address...

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

You don't sew with a fork, so I see no reason to eat with knitting needles.
                -- Miss Piggy, on eating Chinese Food

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