Hi Mick,

Thank you for bringing this thread back in a direction which might help me.

On 18 Jul 2007, at 19:26, Mick wrote:
With regards to the OP getting twm running, that should be the default WM if Xsession is used. Does your /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc contain something like
this at the bottom?
 # start some nice programs
   twm &
   xclock -geometry 50x50-1+1 &
   xterm -geometry 80x50+494+51 &
   xterm -geometry 80x20+494-0 &
   exec xterm -geometry 80x66+0+0 -name login

Yes, exactly so.

I've just checked that is so and, anyway, I'm sure that file is exactly as shipped - I don't think I've changed the Xorg configuration at all since I installed Gentoo earlier this week. Since the stage is intended for use on a PS3 nothing should need doing to that or xorg.conf. :D

I believe that the only changes I've made are these:
    $ grep ^X /etc/rc.conf
    $ grep DISPLAYMANAGER /etc/conf.d/xdm

What is the default shell that the user has in this OS image?

Um, Bash. I can't help thinking you mean that differently, but I'm confusled how.

I think the default XSESSION value in /etc/rc.conf is fluxbox.

... Also, if you hosed
you .bashrc and a shell was defined in there, then that might explain why you
could see xterms launching before, but not any more.

Nope. The .bashrc is my standard one which is based on Gentoo's default .bashrc from c 4 years ago with $PS1 prompt & colours changed, history size set to 900 commands and a few aliases added. This same .bashrc is in use on more than one headless server and I've had no cause in the past to change it to accommodate X11.

I only wiped the ~/.* files _after_ the xterms stopped loading completely. I get the same behaviour copying the very same .bashrc & .bash_profile back again. I'm pretty sure that I was originally getting the misbehaviour when xdm was started by init.d but getting the xterms when I logged in as myself at the framebuffer login & ran `startx`; as I say, I can't reproduce this, or explain why it's no longer working.

If anyone has time to change XSESSION="Xsession" and log on to their machine as a new user I would be grateful to hear what results they get. I can't help wondering if this is a little-tested option and can't help hoping it's broken globally.

Anyway, just some loose thoughts. Perhaps you can reload the image afresh and
see what happens then.

I'm tempted to do that, however I have about a dozen hours compilation on this machine - adding links, elinks, samba & other essential utilities and upgrading portage. Fiddling around with make.conf /etc/portage/* and so on is more time consuming than one imagines and really I'd like to know _why_ this installation isn't working. Hosing it away is kinda cheating.


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