On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 07:43:57 am Albert Hopkins wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-07-22 at 13:38 -0700, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> > I seem to see this from time to time when I look at the emerge logs
> > that are emailed to me by portage, and I never know what to make of
> > it.
> > This one is from kde-base/kcontrol-3.5.5:
> >
> > LOG: preinst
> > /usr/kde/3.5/share/applications/kde/panel_appearance.desktop: required
> > key "Name" not found --
> >
> >  required key "Type" not found
> > Why is this allowed to occur?  What am I expected to do about it, and
> > how would I know that, given that I'm a user, not a developer?
> FDO .desktop files should have "Type" and "Name" keys, e.g:
>         [Desktop Entry]
>         Encoding=UTF-8
>         Version=1.0
>         Type=Application
>         ^^^^
>         Terminal=false
>         Exec=Xephyr -screen 1024x768 -query flea -once :2
>         Name[en_US]=flea
>         Icon[en_US]=/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-xterm.png
>         Name=flea
>         ^^^^
>         Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-xterm.png
> So looks like whatever is installing/manipulating the .desktop file is
> not seeing those keys.  Why is it allowed to occur?  I suppose it's not
> allowed and that's why the program is complaining.  What are you
> expected to do?  Likely you'd search/create a bug at bugs.gentoo.org.
> Could either be a problem with the .ebuild or ustream. I'm guessing the
> latter.  How would you know "that"?  Not sure what "that" is.  Users
> aren't expected to know everything (neither are developers in fact).
> When in doubt, do as you did and ask.

As a quick fix, here is what a healthy panel_appearance.desktop file looks 

[Desktop Entry]

Run 'desktop-file-validate 
after editing and saving to check that it is now valid.


PS> Have only just yesterday subscribed to this mailing list (only taken me 4 
years), so HI! to all you Gentoo-ites :D
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