Hello Alan McKinnon,

> It's only a matter of time and relates to how flash devices work. After 
> many many writes to the same storage cell, it degrades. The good ones 
> are rated to about 100,000 writes per cell. The cheap and nasty ones 
> can be as low as 10,000 writes. You would be amazed how quickly 50,000 
> writes can happen to the same cell when used as swap for example

It's worse than that. The vfat driver updates the FAT after every 4K
block (or at least it did a few kernel versions ago), so copying a large
file can result in tens of thousands of writes to the same location. I
broke a GB stick in a couple of months by writing 700MB files to it.

Neil Bothwick

I don't have any solution, but I certainly admire the problem.

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