very interesting article...
hope that a solution will be found soon...
O/H »Q« έγραψε:
"b.n." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

fire-eyes ha scritto:
i just want to ask if it's ok to update to the new firefox,or if
it's a serious sec problem?... :/

It's okay to update, as far as I know it's and before (aka everything...).

Your best bet is to not use the password saving features, install noscript (important: WIPE OUT it's whitelist, then selectively add
sites you trust).

At least not use the password manager for sites that essentially let
users host pages on them, e.g. social networking sites.

Has the bug been fixed upstream?

I don't know -- they restrict access to security-sensitive bug entries
until after an official release with a patch has been put out.  It's
possible they won't fix this one at all;  see the third and fourth
paragraphs at <>, and chase
links if you're really interested.

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