On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 13:25:50 +0400
"Vladimir Rusinov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 7/27/07, Stroller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I have not done anything with my PAM files yet but I think this
> > > step should work anyway!(?)
> >
> > I have found `getent passwd` and `getent group` not to work entirely
> > as expected.
> EG:
> > $ getent group | grep -i dave
> > domain users:x:
> > 10000:administrator,support_399845a0,krbtgt,iusr_bodmin,iwam_bodmin,mobi
> > le user tmpl,user tmpl,power user tmpl,administrator tmpl,sbs backup
> > user,ned,usertemplate-
> > lanesre,evelyn,tim,charlotte,dave,mandi,kim,vebra,deanne,alex,laura,anne
> > ,anne.h,gillian,maintenance,gail
> > $ getent passwd  | grep -i dave
> I had the simular problem.
> I had winbind uid range 1000-10000, and I had real user with uid 1001.
> Solution was to set uid range to 1010-10000.
> My advice is to move on to the next step (PAM) & see what happens. I
> > have always worked off the "Testing Things Out" section of Chapter
> > 24 of the Samba manual, "Winbind: Use of Domain Accounts" <http://
> > www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/winbind.html>
> > and have always found following it to work perfectly, but winbind
> > doesn't seem well-documented elsewhere or by 3rd parties.
> >
> Also, try to add winbind everywhere at nsswitch.
> I can't reach my config now, but I'm sure I have more the 2 winbind
> lines at nsswitch.conf.
> PS: sorry for my English.


I have the rid set to 10000-20000 and I have no local users in that

I can chown and chgrp but still getent are not working...

However, I did add the winbind to the system-auth like this:
auth       required     pam_env.so
auth       sufficient   /lib/security/pam_winbind.so
auth       sufficient   pam_unix.so use_first_pass likeauth nullok

account    required     pam_unix.so

password sufficient     pam_winbind.so
password   required     pam_cracklib.so difok=2 minlen=8 dcredit=2
ocredit=2 retry=3
password sufficient  pam_unix.so nullok md5 shadow use_authtok
password   required     pam_deny.so

session    required     pam_limits.so
session    required     pam_unix.so

Now I can ssh to the box but I as soon as I are logged on I'm kicked

Any ideas?


PS. Don't forget...I'm new to Gentoo:-) 


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