On 7/30/07, Developer Edoceo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/30/07, Steen Eugen Poulsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Daniel van Ham Colchete skrev:
> > > actually it's the 965, but the link Tim sent me shows that it's not a
> > > chipset limitation... It's a 32bits design limitation...
> >
> > Thats not true, I run 32bit Gentoo with 4 GB Memory and has no slowdown
> > issues I can measure with the naked eye.
> >
> > Seems to me like you have some hardware problem.
> I have two Gentoo systems (2.6.x) one with 4G and another with 8G.  Both
> systems are are wicked fast.  On the 4G `free` shows all but 21K of physical
> used, on the 8G there's still 2G free and the system is highly responsive.
> Can't remember which MB chipset I have, sorry.  multiple Intel multicore cpu
> in both.

What kernel version are you using?

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