On Friday 10 August 2007 18:01:09 Dan Cowsill wrote:
> > > > Again, I apologize for the outage.  We'll be back online next week
> > > > and hopefully after that we'll have a better way of dealing with
> > > > issues like this when they arise. So please have patience with us.
> > >
> > > As far as I'm concerned, it's "fine" that the site is down. No problem
> > > with that.
> > >
> > > What I DO find bad, is that there was no communication about that.
> > > [...]
> >
> > Maybe that means you should get your money back. Oh, wait...
> I definitely agree that the situation would have benefited from better
> communication. 

Of course it could. That's besides the point. The point is if you want 
immediate and professional reactions everytime something happens you should 
be paying someone to monitor things.. If you expect volunteers to do the job 
you should cut them some slack when something goes wrong..

> I mean, look at this thread (and others resembling it).  If there was a
> little explanation earlier on, we could have avoided the panic and
> dissemination of false information that followed. 

As could just not panicking and avoiding spreading false information everytime 
your favourite web page isn't up when you need it.

Bo Andresen

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