
I just thought I should give reiserfs3.6 a chance and converted my laptop's 
root to it. I've done the following:

1. boot from Gentoo's live cd
2. start sshd and set root password
3. mount root and boot
4. mount their mount point on my desktop via sshfs
5. create a tar ball
6. unmount everything, create reiserfs, remount everything
7. extract tar ball, edit fstab
8. reboot

Now I have the following problem: If I boot, the kernel starts normally (from 
what I see) but then tells me that it is "unable to start initial console" 
(if I remember correctly) and reboots after a few seconds.

When I boot from the live cd I can chroot in it without problem and compile 
kernels (I had some other unrelated issues before this one that I skipped). 
So at least cp, ls, bash and gcc work correctly.

Does Gentoo have problems booting from Reiserfs3.6? I've increased the journal 
size and decreased the block size but that's it.

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