At Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:43:08 +0200 Markus Schönhaber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Allan Gottlieb schrieb:
>> At Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:27:57 +0200 Markus Schönhaber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> wrote:
>>> Try moving ~/.gconfd out of the way. It helped in my case.
>> Thanks.  I tried it, but alas no effect.  Same status (.gconfd had
>> only the saved-state file).
> Yep, same for me. The difference is, for me, getting rid of it helped.
> If you're still interested in finding out what causes your problems, I'd
> start by moving ~/.gconf out of the way. You'll lose most of your
> settings but if that helps you could move the items from the backup to
> the automatically created new ~/.gconf one by one and eventually spot
> the bad one.
> And there's also ~/.gnome2 that could be screwed up.

I am doing a similar thing in a different way.  Instead of removing
configuration files, I created a new user testgot with the same uid as
gottlieb.  I then copy config files from gottlieb to testgot,
expecting breaking to eventually occur.  So far testgot works much
better than gottlieb even though it has copies of gottlieb's .gconfd,
.gnome, .gnome_private, .gnome2, and .gnome2_private.
I will continue to move more config files and report here when I find
the culprit.

thanks for helping,
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