
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 06:09:48 +0000 (UTC) Thufir

> > Did you read my earlier post?
> > 
> > rewrite that line to APACHE2_OPTS="-D DEFAULT_VHOST -D PHP5" and
> > restart apache.
> Pardon, I may have been distracted, but I think I changed that entry 
> several times.  I tried a couple variations, and restarted apache and
> for good measure mysql.  The above variation still shows text files
> for .php files.

Does /etc/apache2/httpd.conf still contain the line
"Include /etc/apache2/modules.d/*.conf" ?

Is /etc/apache2/modules.d/*_mod_php.conf present? In that file you can
see the exact flag you have to specify.

If you decided to drop the Gentoo configuration style for apache, then
you'll have to provide a *lot* more information about your Apache's
configuration than you did.

BTW, the errors you cited indicate you might be running suexec. What
for? How configured? Did you follow a certain guide?

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