Am Freitag, den 24.08.2007, 23:43 +0100 schrieb Mick:
> On Friday 24 August 2007, Marc Joliet wrote:
> > Am Freitag, den 24.08.2007, 19:42 +0100 schrieb Mick:
> > > At that stage you should have checked if the symlink /boot/grub/menu.lst
> > > is still there and, or if its permissions were messed up.
> >
> > Yes, I should have. I know it was there, though, since I mounted /boot/
> > in the live-CD to check if I had made a typo. However, I doubt that was
> > the problem, since I copied the menu.lst for inclusion in the grub.iso
> > and it worked. 
> Hmm, in that case then the symlink may not have been the problem.
> > Note that on my System menu.lst is a Symlink to 
> > grub.conf. If this isn't standard Gentoo, please let me know. 
> Yes, this is the default gentoo:
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      9 Mar 26  2006 menu.lst -> grub.conf

OK, that's all correct, then.

> > Also, does
> >
> > grub> root (hd0,5)
> > grub> setup (hd0)
> >
> > touch anything other than the MBR and stages if you already have a boot
> > partition installed? Of course, I didn't keep record of grubs output,
> > so, yeah... there goes all potentially useful information.
> OK, the above commands install Grub boot code in the MBR of the first hard 
> disk and the Grub fs in the /boot directory within /dev/hda6.  I assume that 
> your /boot directory is meant to be in /dev/hda6?

Yes, I checked before with "find /boot/grub/stage1", which answered
"(hd0,5)". Though actually, it's /dev/sda6, but it doesn't matter, since
GRUB doesn't differentiate between IDE and SATA/SCSI:

> > However, could it be related to bug 189934? Reading through the linked
> > bug 132135, I "switched" /lib and /lib64, so instead of /lib64 being a
> > Symlink to /lib, /lib is now a Symlink to /lib64.
> From a cursory look, I don't think so.
> > > I doubt that the MBR was wrecked, because if it were wrecked you wouldn't
> > > see the Grub prompt and would just get a BIOS message.
> >
> > Heh, that's obvious *blushes*... However, I didn't really mean
> > "completely hosed". Could it have been a broken stage1 that only started
> > in part, or the like?
> Could be I guess, but I'm not sure.

According to the I answers I got from the gentoo-amd64 ML, it seems that
the situation most likely had nothing to do with the MBR. Instead, it
was suggested that the stage2 was moved physically to another
sector/inode, so that the stage1 couldn't find it. I'll see how to make
sure that a stage1_5 was installed, to prevent that from messing
anything up.

> > > I have no experience with Sabayon either, but Grub will install wherever
> > > you tell it to install.  That can be in the Master Boot Record (e.g.
> > > system (hd0,0) 
> oops!  I meant to say: system (hd0)
> > > or in any partition's boot record (e.g. system (hd0,1). 
> [snip]
> > Yeah, I should have set noauto the instant I found out about it. Any
> > other recommended mount options? Right now they are
> >
> > defaults,noauto,user_xattr 1 2
> >
> > which is how it was installed (except for noauto, of course).
> These options look OK to me as long as you remember to manually mount /boot 
> every time you are installing a new kernel.

OK. Thanks for your help!
Marc Joliet
"Of course, I could switch back to Windows. At least there, if I have a
problem, I don't suffer under the illusion that I could ever fix it." - Unknown

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