
I'm finding a problem while trying to decode music using kioslave.
I usually put audiocd:/mnt/cdrom in my konquero's navigation var, and
inmediatly I saw my disc, a folder with mp3 encoded music and an other
one in ogg.

Now, I just see this error:
An error occurred while loading audiocd:/mnt/cdrom:
The file or folder /mnt/cdrom does not exist.

 # ls -lsa /mnt/cdrom/
total 8
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 arnau users 4096 2007-01-07 20:27 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 8 root  root  4096 2007-08-17 15:16 ..

(notice it belongs to my user)

and in fstab:
# grep cdrom /etc/fstab
/dev/hdc                /mnt/cdrom      iso9660         noauto,ro,user         
0 0

 ls -lsa /dev/hdc
0 brw-rw---- 1 root audio 22, 0 2007-08-29 20:51 /dev/hdc

and my user belongs to audio group:
mnt # id arnau
uid=1000(arnau) gid=100(users) 

cdparanoia recognize my music:
# cdparanoia -vsQ
cdparanoia III release 9.8 (March 23, 2001)
(C) 2001 Monty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Xiphophorus

Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Checking /dev/cdrom for cdrom...
        Testing /dev/cdrom for cooked ioctl() interface
                CDROM sensed: ATAPI compatible UJDA750 DVD/CDRW

Verifying drive can read CDDA...
        Expected command set reads OK.

Table of contents (audio tracks only):
track        length               begin        copy pre ch
  1.    15933 [03:32.33]        0 [00:00.00]    OK   no  2
  2.    15890 [03:31.65]    15933 [03:32.33]    OK   no  2
  3.    14838 [03:17.63]    31823 [07:04.23]    OK   no  2
  4.    14094 [03:07.69]    46661 [10:22.11]    OK   no  2
  5.    13955 [03:06.05]    60755 [13:30.05]    OK   no  2
  6.    15401 [03:25.26]    74710 [16:36.10]    OK   no  2
  7.    16506 [03:40.06]    90111 [20:01.36]    OK   no  2
  8.    18846 [04:11.21]   106617 [23:41.42]    OK   no  2
  9.    14134 [03:08.34]   125463 [27:52.63]    OK   no  2
 10.    15219 [03:22.69]   139597 [31:01.22]    OK   no  2
 11.    16746 [03:43.21]   154816 [34:24.16]    OK   no  2
 12.     9936 [02:12.36]   171562 [38:07.37]    OK   no  2
TOTAL  181498 [40:19.73]    (audio only)

and I have installed:
# eix -c kdemultimedia-kioslave
[I] kde-base/kdemultimedia-kioslaves (3.5.5(3.5)@11/22/2006): kioslaves from 
kdemultimedia package

so, what is konqueror complainig about?

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