Mystery solved.  As expected: my bad.  Details at the bottom

On 9/7/07, Kevin O'Gorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/7/07, Steen Eugen Poulsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Kevin O'Gorman skrev:
> > > My 00_default_vhost.conf:
> > > =============== start 00_default_vhost.conf ==========================
> > > # If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP
> > address
> > > here.
> > > #
> > > #ServerName <>
> > > ServerName <>
> > >
> > > #KOSMANOR changes
> > > #Listen 80
> > > Listen <>
> > > Listen localhost:80
> >
> > Thats not a vhost configuration, so it's a bit confusing why your trying
> > to use Gentoo's default vhost config file and making non vhost configs
> > and I bet it isn't liking the missing:
> >
> > NameVirtualHost *:80 (You will have to check the apache2 doc for the
> > VirtualIP version of NameVirtualHost)
> >
> > <VirtualHost *:80>
> >
> > If you want to make a non vhost configuration, then do so from the
> > ground up, don't mix vhost and non vhost unless you want a mess.
> >
> > The reason you get :80 already bound, is because your configuration bind
> > twice to the same IP. It's Apache itself that bind twice and bails on
> > the second attempt.
> >
> > Not having used this configuration layout in years, I would guess
> > ServerName is the one creating the listening socket, maybe because it's
> > placed before Listen.
> A workaround has been found (see below).
> As may be obvious by now, I don't understand much about configuring
> apache. I just used what dropped in when I installed Gentoo around 2003, and
> tried to adapt as time and updates came along.  My needs are fairly simple:
> a basic server on a single IP plus localhost, using the default port 80.
> Static and CGI pages only, no secure applications.  Users (only me,
> actually) have a page in public_html.  I intend to use mod_python
> eventually, or write my own module, but that's for later.
> I have not a clue how to build a configuration "from the ground up", and
> I'm hoping to not have to learn.  Since it would be a singleton excercise, I
> would just forget it anyway in the midst of many other things that claim my
> attention.
> Workaround:
> In any event, making ServerName come after Listen, or commenting it out
> completely, do not change the symptoms at all.  However, commenting out all
> Listen lines does allow apache to start.  It seems you're right and apache
> is colliding with itself, but I don't know why, as I don't see any other
> Listen directives.  This is at best a stopgap because apache's now listening
> promiscuously, which I do not like at all.
> I'm hoping for more help, but my fallback is to save my config files,
> unmerge apache completely, re-emerge it and see if the default configuration
> can be made to work right.  That might turn out to be a lot of work, for
> which read a lot of time.

I was sure I checked for duplicate Listen directives, but I missed one.
Fixing that allowed apache to start.
As pennance, I hunted down all my tailorings and put them in a single
include file.  In the process I wound
up eliminating a bunch of other duplications.  Hopefully things will be more
sane soon.

But not right away -- but I'll start another thread for that.

++ kevin

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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