On Samstag, 8. September 2007, Jorge Peixoto de Morais Neto wrote:
> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-4225196.html#4225196
> Hi. The forums being down, can you give me help by mail on the topic
> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-4225196.html#4225196, since I can't
> use my Gentoo installation until the problem is solved?
> The most important thing to me is to know the answer to the two questions:
> 1) How can I know if other files were corrupted?

well, you can try a script that compares the md5sums of the files installed 
with the m5sums of the files on the harddisk. But everything that wasn#t 
installed with portage can't be checked that way.

> 2) Do you think I should just use the computer, after reemerging the
> packages that provide the corrupted files?


> Or should I reinstall the system from scratch?


> The background is: a corruption ocurred in my reiserfs partition, possibly
> due to hardware problems; I performed reiserfsck and recovered virtually
> all files, but at least some files in /bin are corrupted. In fact, they
> cannot be executed, and executing the "file" command on them tells that
> they are just "data" instead of recognising them as an executable. See:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/hda2/bin$ for file in *; do file "${file}" | grep -q
> data && wc -c "${file}"; done
> 13772 basename
> 13500 chroot
> 27048 cut
> 79420 dir
> 13836 dirname
> 59084 du
> 13436 env
> 23336 expr
> 24516 head
> 14644 mkfifo
> 18988 readlink
> 34100 rm
> 14684 rmdir
> 17740 seq
> 14772 sleep
> 65168 sort
> 37380 stty
> 12584 sync
> 35852 tail
> 34328 touch
> 27492 tr
> 12200 true
> 12800 tty
> 15316 uname
> 79420 vdir
> 23108 wc
> 12876 yes
> Aren't all these files part of coreutils?

not all, but most of them.

> So hopefully this was just a 
> misbehaved coreutils emerge instead of a consequence of filesystem
> corruption.

maybe both. I had a nasty corruption some weeks ago thanks to a loose 
sata-cable (I hate this f* plugs... ) .. which resulted in some nasty 
breakage in /var ... and it is not funny when can't log in....

> For more details, see the forum thread.
> I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

It doesn't look so bad. You can try moving the corrupted stuff to a backup 
dir, and create symlinks to busybox. Busybox should be installed on your 
for example
ln  -s busybox rm

and so on. After that emerge coreutils and the other packages. Make sure, that 
you don't have 'collision protect' or something like that set.

I hope you learned your lessons!

Lesson 1: /home on its own partition.
Lesson 2: backups.

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