I've done some tweaking of my xorg.conf, .xbindkeysrc and .Xmodmap to
get my logitech mx1000 working. The forums/wiki helped a lot with

Since making these changes I've lost my middleclick to paste
functionality, and pasting from terminal into a "GUI" app doesn't seem
to fly anymore either.

Here's what I've got.
#start xorg.conf snippet
Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier     "MX1000"
        Driver         "evdev"
        Option          "Dev Name" "Logitech USB RECEIVER"
        Option          "Dev Phys" "usb-0000:00:10.0-1/input0"
        Option          "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
        Option          "Buttons" "12"
        Option          "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
        Option          "Resolution" "800"
#end xorg.conf snippet

#start .Xmodmap
pointer = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12"
#end .Xmodmap

#start .xbindkeysrc
#forward and back bindings for side buttons
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -text "\[Alt_L]\[Left]""
m:0x0 + b:8
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -text "\[Alt_L]\[Right]""
m:0x0 + b:9
#PageUp anf PageDown bindings for cruise control
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -text "\[Page_Up]""
m:0x0 + b:11
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -text "\[Page_Down]""
m:0x0 + b:12
#Bindings for wheel left-right to switch tabs in opera
#and others. Configuration in programm is needed
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -text "\[Control_L]\[Page_Down]""
m:0x0 + b:13
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -text "\[Control_L]\[Page_Up]""
m:0x0 + b:14
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -text "\[Alt_L]\[F5]""
m:0x0 + b:10
#end .xbindkeysrc

So everything works as expected: Left button clicks, right button
"right clicks" horizontal buttons change browser tabs, the browser
forward/back buttons work. The "cruise control" buttons do 'page up'
and 'page down' just fine.

Just no middle click to paste, terminal to gui paste, or middle click
event in xev.
Xev tells me:
left button = 1
right button = 3
up wheel = 4
down wheel = 5
backbutton = 6
forwardbutton = 7
other = 10
up button = 11
down button = 12
horizontalleft = 13
horizontalright = 14

When I press the mouse wheel down (middle button) I get nothing in
xev. Well sometimes. The output on "soemtimes" looks like the same
output as using the "horizonal scroll" keys, but those keys are
pressing the wheel to the left or right, so when I get output I think
I'm just pushing the wheel to the left or right. When I very carefully
push the wheel straight down, I get nothing.

This _did_ work before I changed everything from the basic xmouse
config. Driver was mouse instead of evdev. Is there something with
evdev that needs done to support this?

Any pointers would be greaty appreciated.

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