On 9/12/07, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This latest emerge pass seems to be working better. I did have to skip
> a couple of packages though. I'll go back and see if I can catch them
> with revdep-rebuild when it hopefully finishes up in the next hour.

Error #3 follows. This one I really do not understand. OMF? I have not
yet checked bugzilla. Will do that in the morning.

if ! test -d uk/; then mkdir uk/; fi
case "." in /*) sd=".";; *) sd="../.";; esac; \
        if [ -f "C/epiphany.xml" ]; then d="../"; else d="$sd/"; fi; \
        (cd uk/ && \
          `which xml2po` -e -p \
            "${d}uk/uk.po" \
            "${d}C/epiphany.xml" > epiphany.xml.tmp && \
            cp epiphany.xml.tmp epiphany.xml && rm -f epiphany.xml.tmp)
xsltproc -o epiphany-C.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename epiphany
--stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd
"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang C
--stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam
db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in
"`pwd`/./epiphany.omf.in" `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf
gnome-doc-utils` C/epiphany.xml
db2omf: Could not construct the OMF maintainer element.
  Add an author, corpauthor, editor, othercredit, or publisher
  element with the role attribute set to "maintainer" to epiphany.xml.
make[2]: *** [epiphany-C.omf] Error 10
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all] Error 2

!!! ERROR: www-client/epiphany-2.16.3 failed.
Call stack:
  ebuild.sh, line 1638:   Called dyn_compile
  ebuild.sh, line 985:   Called qa_call 'src_compile'
  ebuild.sh, line 44:   Called src_compile
  epiphany-2.16.3.ebuild, line 67:   Called gnome2_src_compile
  gnome2.eclass, line 71:   Called die

!!! compile failure
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call
stack if relevant.
!!! A complete build log is located at

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