I'm using my notebook in the school (via Wi-Fi + Cisco VPN) and at
home. At school I need a proxy, but not at home.

I tried this as a proxy automatic configuration file (*.pac), but it
doesn't work :

function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
        if (myIpAddress().substring(0,7) == "192.168") {
                return "DIRECT";
        else {
                if (isPlainHostName(host) ||
                dnsDomainIs(host, ".he-arc.ch") ||
                dnsDomainIs(host, ".eiaj.ch") ||
                dnsDomainIs(host, ".heaa-ne.ch") ||
                dnsDomainIs(host, ".hegne.ch") ||
                dnsDomainIs(host, ".career-women.ch") ||
                dnsDomainIs(host, ".ilce.ch") ||
                dnsDomainIs(host, ".isnetne.ch") ||
                dnsDomainIs(host, ".agf.hes.so.ch") ||
                dnsDomainIs(host, ".hesap1.eif.ch") ||
                host == "" ||
                host.substring(0,3) == "10." ||
                host.substring(0,10) == "157.26.64." ||
                host.substring(0,8) == "192.168." ||
                host == "") {
                        return "DIRECT";
                else {
                        return "PROXY proxy.he-arc.ch:8080";

At school, it works correctly (it uses the proxy when it is
necessary), but not at home. I think the "myIpAddress" is maybe not
the right solution.

Does anybody have an idea how to solve my problem ? I would prefer a
more global solution (for the whole system, not only Firefox), but if
you have an idea for Firefox, I would be really happy !


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