
On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 22:33:20 -0400 David Relson
> After starting OOw, the first document (typically a single page) is
> fine.  Reprinting it, gives garbled output.  An example is word
> "When:" printing as "$ henC:" and "Where:" printing as "$ hereC".
> Typically capital letters, digits and punctuation are off (with the
> same wrong character for the same original character, i.e. "$"
> instead of "W", ")" instead of "S", etc).
> Exiting OOw, restarting it, and printing the document gives similar
> results -- first copy good, second copy munged.

I have never encountered this problem and have no solution. But may be
it's possible to work around this problem by exporting to PDF and
printing from a PDF viewer.


Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise loesen,
durch die sie entstanden sind.

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