-----Original Message-----
Sent: mercoledì 17 ottobre 2007 16.17
To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Armagetron and Gentoo?

Also happens me the same

    Ing. César R. Gavidia R.
  Proyectos AIT Tomoporo
  Cel: 0416-9745665
  Ext: (0265) 8050109

Sebastian Sitaru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió el 17/10/2007 09:53:09 a.m.:

> Hello all,
> I'm trying to emerge armagetron on my Gentoo (x86 stable). It seems
> (with the ~x86 keyword). I have no problems with unstable packages, but
> I've got very much unstable packages, thus I don't want to emerge this
> unstable, too. But there's a "comment" on the masking, a second way:
> --begin quoting--
> linux-zc4n / # emerge armagetronad
> Calculating dependencies \
> !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "armagetronad" have been masked.
> !!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your
> request:
> - games-action/armagetronad- (masked by: package.mask)
> /usr/portage/profiles/package.mask:
> # Chris Gianelloni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (15 Jan 2007)
> # The Armagetron Advanced packages in Gentoo's repository are obsolete
> will
> # likely remain masked until they can be revisted to be
maintainable.  Until
> # that time, the upstream team has created their own overlay:
> #     emerge -a layman
> #     layman -ka armagetron
> For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man page
> refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
> linux-zc4n / #
> --end quoting--
> My question is now, where can I find this overlay? I've tried the above
> commands, but last didn't work:
> --begin quoting--
> linux-zc4n / # layman -ka armagetron
> * Overlay "armagetron" does not exist!
> linux-zc4n / #
> --end quoting-- (Sorry for my "art of quoting", I'm new here, and don't
> quite know how to quote!)
> Does anyone know the reason for failing?
> I thank you for your attention and I'm happy to read your replies.
> --
> With best regards,
> Sebastian
> [anexo "attv4g7t.dat" eliminado por CESAR GAVIDIA/GAVIDIACS/PDV/PDVSA]

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