On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 18:52:19 +0800 (CST), "525225097"
> My video drive is not support(the default kernel in 2007.0livecd).My
> computer is new.In otheroperating system such as ubuntu,opensuse(to
> release soon)it support well.if I should increase the kernel.It sure I
> couldn't find the driver in linux,the company mean to just support
> windows.A if I should do it.How can I do in a nonetwork.Thinks

Just wanted to let you know my spam filter ate this.  You might want to
rewrite it with better punctuation since many other people may not have
seen it either.

As for your network card, it would help if you told us which model it
was, which kernel versions from other distros have worked, and which
kernel versions from Gentoo have not worked.

--Thomas Tuttle
Thomas Tuttle - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ttuttle.net/

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