Greetings, gentoo-users,

I see a problem with emerge on my notebook.

Whenever I try to emerge something, it starts off like:

# emerge -1 libsexy
Calculating dependencies... done!
>>> Verifying ebuild Manifests...

>>> Emerging (1 of 1) x11-libs/libsexy-0.1.11 to /

and then just hangs there, doing nothing.

It doesn't even generate load on the CPU or something, it just hangs and
doesn't continue or finish (and is hard to kill ...).

This is independent of the pkg emerged, at least until now it happened
with every pkg I tried to emerge, also with "world".

I tried to clean the ccache, disable ccache, clean out /var/tmp/portage,
and for sure I did some fresh eix-sync ... nothing helped so far.

I tried to find something in the list-archives, in forums etc. but still
couldn't find anything helpful.

The system is up-to-date, I run updates every few days.

I would be thankful for any help on this.

Thanks in advance, Stefan

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