I want to harden my ssh server by restricting most users to Public Key
authentication only.  I can set "ChallengeResponseAuthentication no" in
the config file, but I can't figure out how to then allow a user or
group within a Match section to use Keyboard-Interactive authentication.
 "ChallengeResponseAuthentication" is not valid within a Match section.
 When this directive is added globally there seems to be no way to
enable it again under a Match section.  I also tried to set the global
option "KbdInteractiveAuthentication no", but this doesn't seem to be
valid outside of a Match section since users can connect without public
keys (the sshd process does accept this option, but it doesn't seem to
actually do anything outside of a Match section.)

At this point the only way I've found to do what I want is to add all
users I want to restrict to a group, create a Match section for this
group, and use the directive "KbdInteractiveAuthentication no".  While
this works, I'd like to know if there is a way I can disable it as part
of the global sshd config and enable this authentication only for
specific users.

Thanks for any ideas.


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