On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 14:01:24 -0800 (PST)
maxim wexler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi group,
> Previously I had a problem with hard drive that turned
> out was a faulty IDE controller, not the drive, not
> the cable. 
> Now I can't use /dev/hdb but /dev/hdc is OK. So my set
> up is /dev/hda(WinXP) and /dev/hdc(gentoo), ie, WinXP
> is on the first IDE as master and gentoo is on the sec
> IDE also as master. hdd is the CDROM(sec IDE,slave),
> to complete the setup.
> So far I've tried every possible permutation of root,
> rootnoverify and map. I've tried installing the boot
> loader on /dev/hda and /dev/hdc. On hda nothing
> works(error 21). On hdc the boot menu appears and I
> can boot gentoo but not WinXP
> Error messages: "selected disk does not exist", "not
> found or not a block device", "could not find device
> for boot". Sorry, I can't recall the exact context for
> these messages but this will give a flavor hopefully.
> I've tried changing the boot order in the BIOS.
> I can get gentoo to boot if I tell grub it's on
> (hd0,0)(?!?!) but WinXP won't boot unless I remove the
> HD w/gentoo on it and bypass grub altogether.
> fdisk can see both drives OK. Both drives appear in
> dmesg w/o errors. Both drives appear in the POST
> screen -- first drive as '0', second drive as '1'
> I've scoured the web for an answer and now must turn
> to the authorities on this list as a last resort.
> Maxim
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notice how I use the grub 'map' command here to make the windows hard
drive 'first' for Windows's sake.  

Here, the boot priority has probably been set in the kernel.  


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