On Thursday 15 November 2007, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
> On Donnerstag, 15. November 2007, pepone.onrez wrote:
> > There is any way for recover the partition table of a hardisk with out a
> > copy of the partition table?
> testdisk can do it
> gpart can do it
> maybe parted can do it too.

I haven't used gpart, or parted for this job, but have successfully used 
testdisk.  I think I ran it either from a CD, or a floppy and it was able to 
find the last few partition tables that I had set up on that disk.  I chose 
the desired partition table (it was the most recent) and off it went from 
there.  I have to say I was well impressed with it.  Must have 
application.  :)

Good luck.

(PS. [OT slightly] Don't mean to start another flamewar about the pro's & 
con's, but would this sort of recovery work the same with a LVM?  I would 
assume that it would, because the LVM is sort of a superstructure, but I do 
not know how the conventional partition table relates to the LV tables.)

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