2007/11/20, econti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
> to-day I re-emerged kdegraphics. At the end I had this message:
>  * /usr/kde/3.5/share/applications/kde/kfaxview.desktop: value
> "image/fax-g3" for string list key "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry"
> does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character
>  * /usr/kde/3.5/share/applications/kde/kghostview.desktop: value
> "application/pdf;application/postscript;image/x-eps;application/x-gzpostscript;application/illustrator"
> for string list key "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry" does not have a
> semicolon (';') as trailing character
>  * /usr/kde/3.5/share/applications/kde/kolourpaint.desktop: value
> "image/fax-g3;image/gif;image/jp2;image/jpeg;image/png;image/tiff;image/x-bmp;image/x-dds;image/x-eps;image/x-exr;image/x-hdr;image/x-ico;image/x-pcx;image/x-portable-bitmap;image/x-portable-greymap;image/x-portable-pixmap;image/x-rgb;image/x-targa;image/x-vnd.adobe.photoshop;image/x-xbm;image/x-xcf-gimp;image/x-xpm;video/x-mng"
> for string list key "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry" does not have a
> semicolon (';') as trailing character
>  * /usr/kde/3.5/share/applications/kde/kview.desktop: value
> "image/gif;image/x-xpm;image/x-xbm;image/jpeg;image/x-bmp;image/png;image/x-ico;image/x-portable-bitmap;image/x-portable-pixmap;image/x-portable-greymap;image/tiff;image/jp2"
> for string list key "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry" does not have a
> semicolon (';') as trailing character

Every ebuild that inherits the eutils.eclass validates the desktop
file of the package to check if it is conform to the specs of

The specs have changed but desktop files created by the ebuild are
generated according to old specs. Also packages that ship there own
desktop file and have not updated them to the current specs will cause
this informational messages.

In your case the desktop file should have a trailing ; at the end of
the Mime key to be compliant to the specs.

There are bugs open for the eutils.eclass to generate valid desktop
files but this only affects the ebuild generated ones not the ones
shipped with the package. It will take some time until the new specs
find there way into all packages but this has nothing to do with the
functionality of the package itself. So don't worry about this.


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