Am Donnerstag, 22. November 2007 schrieb ext Thufir:
> On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 07:56:33 +0100, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> > That has it all. Is your $DISPLAY variable set correctly? Is this the
> > same user who started the X session?
> I only started googling $DISPLAY, but yes, it's the same user who started
> the X session.

So, what does "echo $DISPLAY" show? Also helpfull would be the output 
of "ps -ef|grep X". How do you start X, via display manager (gdm, xdm, 
kdm,...) or with startx after text console login? 


Dirk Heinrichs          | Tel:  +49 (0)162 234 3408
Configuration Manager   | Fax:  +49 (0)211 47068 111
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