Dan Farrell wrote:
> md5sum - compute and check MD5 message digest
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/md5src count=512 
> 512+0 records in
> 512+0 records out
> 262144 bytes (262 kB) copied, 0.041335 s, 6.3 MB/s
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ md5sum /tmp/md5src
> 966019983a079e2bf03566d1f0eca061  /tmp/md5src
> if you want to verify your own download, you could download the file
> here:
> http://spore.ath.cx/~dan/md5src
> and check to see if you get the same checksum.  

Thank you for your answer. I am afraid you go a little to fast for me.
What does  "$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/md5src count=512" exactly do?



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