
I have a serious problem with network performance. I have 4 different vlan-s invisible to each other. On each of the vlan-s there are windows clients with file shareing enabled. There are some directories that need to be accessible from all vlan-s, so I've deployed a gentoo based "proxy server". It's a Core2Duo with 5 ethernet adapters, one for every vlan + one for internet connection. On this proxy machine I have mounted mentioned directories using cifs, and shared them on all ethernet cards using samba.
Here is my problem

When I copy a file from any of the hosts to a local file system of proxy machine i get transfers of about 40 MB/s so it's ok. When I copy a file from proxy local file system to any of the hosts on any of the vlans I get very similar results. Unfortunatelly when I access proxy and try to copy a file from samba-shared directory from other vlan than I get 14 MB/s

I'm quite confused and don't know what can be the problem, all NIC's are 1 GBit/s
Two of them are Intel Pro 1000 (PCIExpress x1)
One if integrated on motherboard (nvidia 5XX series chipset)
Two are Dlink NIC's on regular PCI
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