Bo Ørsted Andresen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 07 December 2007 10:49:42 Alexander Skwar wrote:
>> I installed stage-3 2007.0 and am now trying to configure
>> it to my liking. For example, I dislike nano and would like
>> to use vim instead. vim (among other editors) provides
>> virtual/editor. So I thought, that I could add
>>         virtual/editor  app-editors/vim
>> to /etc/portage/profile/virtuals. BUT:
> [SNIP]
>> So, what am I doing wrong with regards to virtual/editor? I know
>> that I could just install app-editors/vim and be done, but I'd
>> like to know why emerge virtual/editor doesn't work the way I expect
>> it to work (or why my expectation is wrong).
> profile/virtuals is for old style virtuals only. editor was converted to a
> new style virtual. New style virtuals are just ebuilds was an any-of
> runtime dependency on all providers. On initial install portage will
> choose the first visible provider that's listed in the ebuild. So either
> put it in an overlay or just install the provider you want and let that
> satisfy it...

Thx. Understood as well.

So the expectation should be, that it's not going to be possible
to preselect an mta the way I've shown, as soon as virtual/mta
is converted to a new style virtual.

Is that right? Is there work going on to change all the old
style virtuals to new style ones?

I don't know, but from a user perspective, these new style virtuals
offer less flexibility. I've read the GLEP, but don't quite understand
why something with lesser flexibility has been introduced. I understood,
that old style virtuals might have had some performance problems for

Well. I guess there's nothing that can be done about it.



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