On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 22:40:48 -0600
Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Philip Webb wrote:
> > 071218 Sergey Kobzar wrote:
> >   
> >> - ReiserFS looks unsupported now
> >>     
> >
> > What do you base that assessment on ?  It's true
> > that RFS 4 was going nowhere even before its creator's legal
> > problems, but RFS 3 is still well-supported as a Gentoo pkg, isn't
> > it ? When I installed Gentoo on my new desktop machine recently,
> > I used RFS 3 for everything except  /boot  (which is Ext2).
> >
> >   
> I too use ReiserFS for everything but /boot.  I used to use it for
> that but the 32MB thing sort of got me to change it to ext3.  I have
> had no problems with file system errors.  I have three hard drives
> and 9 partitions, 8 are ReiserFS, and it works great.  I may even give
> ReiserFS 4 a shot in the future.  I'm not sure if it is even being
> developed any more tho.  Anybody hear anything on that?
> Dale
> :-)  :-)  :-) 

I, too, use reiserfs for everything I can.  EXT3, the last time I used
it, is much slower,  Sure, you can tweak it, but you can do that to
Reiser too.  I trust it now, and don't intend to switch to anything
else any time soon.  

I have always found this FS review well presented and very useful:
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