> Configuring a new kernel is a dreaded task here.  It seems I walk
> through a bewildering array of stuff that when pressing F1 on them I
> get more bewildering information I barely understand a word of.
> < SNIP >
> Can someone steer me to a more `in depth' tutorial?  Or to something
> they've found to really throw some light the chore?  Not necessarily
> about iptables but just the general chore of configuring a kernel
> wisely. 

The first time is the hardest one.  I did a make mrproper then ran make
menuconfig and just got started.  The third time the kernel booted up at
least.  The biggest thing is getting the file systems, drivers for your
drive controller and other critical things that are needed to boot up. 
After that, you can add them as needed. 

If you get a kernel that boots up fine and allows you to do things, save
it.  I almost always have a couple old kernels laying around /boot. 
That way if the current one gets corrupt or something, you can at least
fall back on a old one.  That may not help if /boot is corrupt but you
get the idea.  Here is my saved one and how I name them:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / # ls -al /boot/bzImage-2.6.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2189488 2007-01-04 18:01
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2357808 2007-06-08 05:47 /boot/bzImage-2.6.20-r8-1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2389616 2007-06-08 07:01 /boot/bzImage-2.6.20-r8-2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2396880 2007-06-13 01:53 /boot/bzImage-2.6.20-r8-3
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2417840 2007-08-31 23:10 /boot/bzImage-2.6.22-r5
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2421840 2007-11-25 13:26 /boot/bzImage-2.6.22-r9-1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2437912 2007-12-18 04:25 /boot/bzImage-2.6.23-r3-1

The last number is the revision of that specific version.   You may
notice it takes even me a couple times to get it right. 

You may find that just like with the tutorials you have read, you are
going to be told different ways to do about everything.  Each of us have
our own ways of doing things based on past experiences.  Apply what
needs to be applied to your situation and keep it sane.

Hope this little bit of info helps.


:-)  :-)  :-) 
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