Mark Knecht wrote:
> Hi Dale,
>    I disabled hald in rc-update and rebooted. Now Totem and Gnome are
> not auto-mounting anything. K3b can see the CD. cddb and ripping seem
> to work fine with hald disabled.
>    I think the overall set of problems were:
> 1) sound-juicer has developed some sort of regression
> 2) hald & Gnome were conspiring to make my system too automatic for my tastes
>    At this point I'm in good shape and wondering what the future is
> going to bring me. Am I putting off the inevitable by not letting hald
> have it's evil ways with my computer? Will it be required in the
> future? I thought a lot of that sort of automatic device stuff was
> supposed to be done by udev so why I need more is beyond me.
>    Anyway, the computer is functional and I can rip with at least one
> app so I'm back in business.
> Thanks,
> Mark
LOL  You must be new to Linux.  You didn't need to reboot.  If you want
to stop say, hald, just do a /etc/init.d/hald stop.  That would stop the
service, 99% of the time anyway.  If you don't want it to start up
anymore then you can remove it with rc-update to make it survive a
reboot in its stopped state.

This is my thoughts and if anyone has a better one please post away.  I
think there is a disagreement between hald and the programs you are
trying to use.  One or more may need to be recompiled to make them all
happy again.  I ran into a problem like this recently with cups.  Try
running the following and post what it says:  "emerge -pv sound-juicer
hal totem k3b"   Leave off the quotes there.  Also note, that is not
going to actually do anything but list the packages it would install and
the USE flags they are compiled with.  It's not going to reinstall them
or anything.  Shouldn't take to long depending on your rigs speed.

Maybe with that we can see if it is doing something different or missing
something that is causing this.


:-)  :-)

P.S.  I sent this before but it came back as a boo boo message.  Sorry
if it is a dup.

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