Hi there,

Anyone got any suggestions on this, please?

I have a honking great big DVD image on one of my servers & seem to be having problems transferring it to a Windows box over a flakey wireless connection. I'm wondering if the reason is because it's over 4gb in size.

What I thought to do was to break the .iso into a multi-part .zip archive, transfer the separate files over to the Windows PC and then unzip them back into the original big file using Explorer's built-in (XP) zip file handling.

I know I could do this by using RAR - or some other untility - instead, but that would require me to install additional software on the PC, which I'd rather not do. Besides, I'm surprised to find that app-arch/zip - nor any other utility I can immediately find in Portage - doesn't seem to handle this.

Thanks in advance for any comments,

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