On Wed, 2008-01-16 at 20:43 +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 20:29:35 +0100, Florian Philipp wrote:
> > #!/bin/bash
> > mencoder [...] -o - | tee video.mkv | stream-app
> > 
> > So far it should work and vlc would be the natural choice for the
> > streaming app. However, vlc seems unable to read from a pipe so I need
> > something else.
> What about using a fifo, can vlc handle that?
> mkfifo mystream
> mencoder [...] -o - | tee video.mkv >mystream &
> streamapp mystream

Thanks but that was one of my first thoughts. I've tried "cat
[Matroska-file] > test.fifo & vlc test.fifo". VLC thought it was a DVD
and could not read it. I also tried telling vlc to use the mkv demuxer
with "--demux mkv" but then I've got:
"[00000254] mkv demuxer error: Not a Matroska file : DocType =  
[00000254] mkv demuxer error: cannot find KaxSegment
[00000247] main input error: no suitable demux module for

I don't think streaming would fare any better if the streaming server
can't recognize the format, am I right?

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