On Friday 18 January 2008, Marko Kocić wrote:

> > I never used cable modem and don't know how it connects to the PC,
> > so I might be saying something completely wrong here,
> Regular network cable going directly from cable modem to laptop.
> > but can't you sniff the
> > traffic directly from the laptop by capturing packets on the
> > interface connected to the cable modem?
> I can do that when interface is up is up and running.
> But it is /etc/init.d/net.eth0 that is failing because of dhcp error.
> What should I use? Ethereal? What should I look for?

Actually, as long as the interface is up, you can sniff traffic even if 
it does not have an IP address. Emerge wireshark (somehow...), do (as 
root) an "ip link set eth0 up" (or "ifconfig eth0 up") and run 
wireshark. Start capturing packets, run dhcpcd from the command line (or 
whatever DHCP client you use), and see what goes on the wire. You should 
see DHCP discovery/offer/request messages, or maybe not all of them if 
things are not working correctly. For each DHCP packet, look at the DHCP 
payload details from wireshark (you can save the capture for later 
viewing too).

Then, start windows, install wireshark for windows, and do the same. To 
force a DHCP negotiation in windows, open a command prompt and issue 
an "ipconfig /release" followed by an "ipconfig /renew" (IIRC). Look at 
the traffic captured after the /renew command, and look for obvious or 
blatant differences between windows and linux in DHCP packets of the 
same kind.
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