Stroller wrote:

> Hi there,
> Before installing on a new laptop which came with Vista pre-installed
> I took an image of the hard-drive using dd. (ie: `dd if=/dev/sda of=/
> mnt/sdb1/disk.img`, where /mnt/sdb1 was a portable USB hard-drive).
> Obviously the intention was that if I b0rked things up I could just
> `dd` the image back onto the laptop and all would work as the
> manufacturer shipped it, but I'd now find it useful to be able to
> take a look inside the image and examine a few files. Is there any
> way to do this, please?
> I'm fairly confident that there were originally a couple of
> partitions on the drive, and the one I want to look at will be NTFS,
> of course. I know that a CD iso I can mount using `mount file.iso /
> mnt/cdrom -t iso9660 -o loop`, but is there an equivalent for whole
> partition tables?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advices,
> Stroller.

Try this...

modprobe loop
modprobe ntfs

mkdir /mnt/iso

mount -t ntfs /path/to/your/iso /mnt/iso -o loop,ro

Assuming the iso is ntfs and you have loop and ntfs as modules...



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