On Tuesday 29 January 2008, James Ausmus wrote:

> Portage *does not* look at CFLAGS in determining what to rebuild
> (even with -uDN) - portage only looks at USE flags and dependency
> upgrades/versions. Mike is correct in saying that, for packages to be
> recompiled with the new CFLAGS, he would have to recompile that
> package directly. emerge -e world is a good way to do this.\

It's also an excellent way to waste several days of one's life that you 
will never get back :-)

If it's only a few packages affected, a much better idea would be to 
grep through /var/wherever-portage-puts-it to find the CFLAGS for each 
package installed, determine the ones that are not correct, and emerge 
just those with 'emerge -n'. How to do this marvellous grepa nd emerge 
is left as an exercise for the reader, as I'm much too lazy to figure 
it out at almost midnight :-)

If it's most of the system that's affected, then yeah, emerge -e world 
is probably easier.

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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