Hi group,

Anybody familiar with qt3to4?

>From doctrolltech.com/4.0/porting4.html

"To port code from Qt 3 to Qt 4:

   1. Briefly read the porting notes below to get an
idea of what to expect."
They must mean up to number 6. because this page is
certainly not "brief"

  "2. Be sure that your code compiles and runs well on
all your target platforms with Qt 3."


   "3. Add the line QT += qt3support to your .pro file
if you use qmake; otherwise, edit your makefile or
project file to link against the Qt3Support library
and add -DQT3_SUPPORT to your compiler flags. (You
might also need to specify other libraries. See What's
New in Qt 4 for details.)"

What is qmake, it's not in portage. .pro file? What

   "4. Run the qt3to4 porting tool. The tool will go
through your source code and adapt it to Qt 4.
   5. Follow the instructions in the Porting .ui Files
to Qt 4 page to port Qt Designer files.
   6. Recompile with Qt 4." 

"Recompile with"? What does one recompile?

"For each error, search below for related identifiers
(e.g., function names, class names). This document
mentions all relevant identifiers to help you get the
information you need at the cost of being a little


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