On Tuesday 05 February 2008 09:40:30 am Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 February 2008, Jerry McBride wrote:
> > Would the compiler then be optimized for the pentium4 and thus run a
> > tad bit faster?
> See Benedikt's answer for why you should not go down this road.
> If you did get it all to work right, and suffered through the emerge -e
> world required, your computer would in fact run a tiny tad faster,
> where tad is defined is "a teensy weensy little bit, so small you can
> hardly see it with a magnifying glass"
> Not worth the effort IMHO. Of course, there are ricers out there that
> will swear by it and declare that their machine runs much faster, but
> very few if any of them ever produce some actual numbers...

Thanks for the post.

I actually started working on  this project late last night... My target test 
machine is an "getting old" Compaq R3000 with a 3ghz P4. What I'm going to do 
is just what you suggested. 

First I'm going to finish freshening the laptop. This is my 
daily "hack-n-slash" computer, so no worries clobbering it. I'm near the end 
of finishing an  "emerge -e world" that was preceded with two rounds 
of "emerge -e system"

Next step is some exhaustive bench marking. All suggestions welcomed.

Then once completed, I'' make the change to chost from i686 to pentium4, 
following the docs on the net. Once done and smoothed out... another 
freshening as mentioned above, followed up with identical runs of what ever 
benchmarks I ran before...

Should be interesting... It'll lay to rest what everyone speculates or 
postulates. :')



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