,--[ On Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 08:52:21AM +0100, Michael Schmarck wrote:
| Hello folks!
| I know that this question is offtopic for this list, but maybe
| someone has a clue nonetheless...
| I'm trying to access my local X display (on a Gentoo Linux machine,
| of course - am I now on topic? *G*) from a remote system (running
| Solaris 10U4 on Sparc). I cannot use ssh to login to that machine.
| To be somewhat secure, I tried to use xauth, but that doesn't
| work....
| What did I do?
| On the local system, I did:
|         xauth extract xauth.key $DISPLAY:0.0

Above line should read:

xauth extract xauth.key $DISPLAY

Anyways if your above command is incorrect, then no xauth.key would've
been generated :) .


| Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (


| X11, Request, Initial connection request
|     byte-order: 0x42 (Big-endian)
|     unused
|     protocol-major-version: 11
|     protocol-minor-version: 0
|     authorization-protocol-name-length: 0
|     authorization-protocol-data-length: 0
|     unused

Note, in the above request, it hasn't passed your xauth information,
which is possible only in 2 cases, either your $HOME/.Xauthority on
$remote doesn't exist or $XAUTHORITY environment variable points to
a non-existent file.

Ashish Shukla आशीष शुक्ल                      http://wahjava.wordpress.com/
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freed.in | freedom in technology and software | 22-24 February 2008 | Delhi
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