On Thursday 07 February 2008, Håkon Alstadheim wrote:
> Mick wrote:

> > Basic web browsers do not have the javascript, Java (and soon enough
> > flash?) functionality that the majority of banking sites require. 
> > Wouldn't Knoppix with its Firefox and equivalents do the job for you,
> > after you set root and knoppix passwds?  BTW, Konqueror will also work
> > with many banking sites, but you may need to change the browser agent
> > identification, treatment of cookies and so on.  YMMV.
> I've had some success (one of two sites) with the opera browser. Free as
> in beer.

The original post was about security rather than browser compatibility, but 
for what it's worth Opera can leave fewer traces behind than other browsers 
do.  I also use Opera to check online banking sites and have similarly had 
success with more than a couple of them.  However, I had to mask the user 
agent as MSIE, or lately Firefox for it to work properly.

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