On Sunday 02 March 2008, dexters84 wrote:
> Hi
> I'm a little confused as long as new Apache use flags are concerned.
> With old Apache versions ( pre 2.2.6) all valid flags shown in
> *emerge -pv Apache*
> could have been set in /etc/portage/package.use in following format
> *www-servers/apache flag flag -foo -bar flag*
> and life was great :)
> Unfortunately with the new version the concept changed. Some flags
> contain *% *some contain* ** and some both (not sure what it is for)
> - I only know that flags enclosed like this *(flag)  *are the one I
> have selected before.

That's not an Apache thing - it's an emerge display output thing.

See 'man emerge' in the --verbose section for details.
> My main problem is that emerge apache command is not affected by flag
> settings in /etc/portage/package.use in any way.
> How do I properly set new apache flags ?
> Where do I define APACHE2_MODULES ?
> Where do I define APACHE2_MPMS ?

Apache now pays attention to these flags:

     Installed versions:  2.2.8-r1(2)(14:59:42 02/03/08)
(apache2_modules_actions apache2_modules_alias 
apache2_modules_auth_basic apache2_modules_auth_digest 
apache2_modules_authn_anon apache2_modules_authn_dbd 
apache2_modules_authn_dbm apache2_modules_authn_default 
apache2_modules_authn_file apache2_modules_authz_dbm 
apache2_modules_authz_default apache2_modules_authz_groupfile 
apache2_modules_authz_host apache2_modules_authz_owner 
apache2_modules_authz_user apache2_modules_autoindex 
apache2_modules_cache apache2_modules_dav apache2_modules_dav_fs 
apache2_modules_dav_lock apache2_modules_dbd apache2_modules_deflate 
apache2_modules_dir apache2_modules_disk_cache apache2_modules_env 
apache2_modules_expires apache2_modules_ext_filter 
apache2_modules_file_cache apache2_modules_filter 
apache2_modules_headers apache2_modules_ident apache2_modules_imagemap 
apache2_modules_include apache2_modules_info apache2_modules_log_config 
apache2_modules_logio apache2_modules_mem_cache apache2_modules_mime 
apache2_modules_mime_magic apache2_modules_negotiation 
apache2_modules_proxy apache2_modules_proxy_ajp 
apache2_modules_proxy_balancer apache2_modules_proxy_connect 
apache2_modules_proxy_http apache2_modules_rewrite 
apache2_modules_setenvif apache2_modules_speling apache2_modules_status 
apache2_modules_unique_id apache2_modules_userdir 
apache2_modules_usertrack apache2_modules_vhost_alias doc ldap ssl 
threads -apache2_modules_asis -apache2_modules_authn_alias 
-apache2_modules_cern_meta -apache2_modules_charset_lite 
-apache2_modules_dumpio -apache2_modules_log_forensic 
-apache2_modules_proxy_ftp -apache2_modules_version -apache2_mpms_event 
-apache2_mpms_itk -apache2_mpms_peruser -apache2_mpms_prefork 
-apache2_mpms_worker -debug -selinux -sni -static -suexec)

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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