I had to upgrade my kernel from linux-2.6.17-gentoo-r8 to

Now all sorts of things are broken.

First and foremost, I used to use:


But I can't re-emerge that now -- it's gone!? WTF!?

[I] x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers
     Available versions:  71.86.01 (~)71.86.04 96.43.01 (~)96.43.05
[m]100.14.09 [m](~)100.14.11 [m]100.14.19 [M](~)100.14.23 [m](~)169.07
[m](~)169.09 [m](~)169.09-r1 [m](~)169.12 {acpi custom-cflags gtk
kernel_linux multilib}
     Installed versions:  96.43.05(18:44:21 03/03/08)(acpi gtk kernel_linux
     Homepage:            http://www.nvidia.com/
     Description:         NVIDIA X11 driver and GLX libraries

So, I tried to emerge whatever the latest stable one was and it told me that
I was fsck'd and to mask out >=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-97.0.0.

Re-emerge again, and it gives me 96.43.05.

Now when I start X, I have a @#(*&[EMAIL PROTECTED] blank/black screen! UGH! 

What now? How do I get back the only working driver for this piece of crap
GeForce 440 Go card that is apparently unsupported now in newer drivers.
(It's in a Dell i8200 notebook -- I CAN'T replace the card BTW)


Next thing that's broken is my framebuffer console. I'm stuck back at some
God-awful 80x25 display. And the lovely
http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_gensplash doesn't load anymore.
http://fbsplash.berlios.de/wiki/doku.php?id=docs:distros:gentoo would
indicate that nothing has really changed that I can see. The install
mentions this fbcondecor thing, but says it's optional.

This is in my grub.conf file (sans the line breaks for readability):

kernel=(hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz ro root=/dev/hda3 
                video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                splash=silent,theme:livecd-2006.1 quiet 
                fbcon=scrollback:128K hdb=ide-scsi 
                resume=/dev/hda6 pmdisk=/dev/hda6 
initrd (hd0,0)/boot/fbsplash-livecd-2006.1-1600x1200

When I boot it complains about not being able to open /dev/fb0 or /dev/fb/0
Failing to configure resolution and icon positioning

The .log file from the install says this:

 * Please note that the 'fbsplash' kernel patch has now been renamed to
 * 'fbcondecor'.  Accordingly, the old 'splash' initscript is now called
 * 'fbcondecor'.  Make sure you update your system.  See:
 *     http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/fbcondecor/#history
 * for further info about the name changes.
 * Also note that splash_util has now been split into splash_util, fbsplashd
 * and fbcondecor_ctl.

locutus portage # rc-update del splash default
 * 'splash' removed from the following runlevels: default
locutus portage # rc-update del splash boot
 * 'splash' removed from the following runlevels: boot
locutus portage # rc-update add fbcondecor boot
 * rc-update: '/etc/init.d/fbcondecor' not found; aborting
locutus portage # ls /etc/init.d/fbc*
ls: cannot access /etc/init.d/fbc*: No such file or directory
locutus portage # ls /etc/init.d/spl*
ls: cannot access /etc/init.d/spl*: No such file or directory



And lastly, I get this BS when I try to start shorewall, which then causes
it to STB and therefore I'm completely locked off from the network. I can
'shorewall clear' which allows me net access, but then I'm completely
exposed! UGH.

And of course http://gentoo-wiki.com/SECURITY_Howto_setup_shorewall isn't

locutus grub # /etc/init.d/shorewall start
 * Starting firewall ...
iptables: Invalid argument
   ERROR: Command "/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state
iptables: Invalid argument
iptables: Invalid argument
/sbin/shorewall: line 375: 13010 Terminated              ${VARDIR}/.start
$debugging start

I googled and tried some of the kernel options I saw mentioned, but that
doesn't seem to be helping.

[I] net-firewall/shorewall
     Available versions:  3.0.8 3.2.9 3.4.6 3.4.7 ~4.0 ~4.0-r1 {doc}
     Installed versions:  3.4.7(16:10:17 03/03/08)(-doc)
     Homepage:            http://www.shorewall.net/
     Description:         Shoreline Firewall is an iptables-based firewall
for Linux.

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