On Thu, 2008-03-06 at 10:55 +0100, Ralf Stephan wrote:
> Iain wrote
> > On Wed, 2008-03-05 at 11:34 +0100, Ralf Stephan wrote:
> > > Does someone use TeXlive and has encountered and solved
> > > non-English hyphenation problems? I have tried both babel.sty
> > > with the german/germanb options and german.sty from the
> > > package texlive-langgerman, always giving the command
> > > \selectlanguage{german}
> > 
> > I don't use texlive, but have you set linguas_de?
> That was a good idea, and necessary to do, thanks.
> However, latex and pdflatex apparently still don't want to use the 
> language.dat file with the now correct entries. Funnily, xlatex does!
> So, as workaround I've converted to UTF-8 and use xelatex now.
> Any other ideas?

I found this which might be interesting:

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

Pascal is not a high-level language.
                -- Steven Feiner

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