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Dale wrote:
> Chuck Robey wrote:
>> Neil Bothwick wrote:
>> > On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 13:58:55 -0400, Chuck Robey wrote:
>> >>  *  The die message:
>> >>  *   Please reemerge =x11-libs/qt-3* with USE="opengl".
>> >>
>> >> asks me to rebuild something that doesn't exist.
>> > It does exist, the wildcard tells portage to install the latest 3
>> > version. Try doing what it says in the message, although you should
>> quote
>> > the package atom to stop the shell trying to interpret the *.
>> > emerge -1av '=x11-libs/qt-3*'
>> Thanks,  That's what i was after (although my curiosity is going to be
>> looking to see what gets selected).  The reply I got from the other
>> fellow,
>> on SLOTs, was really interesting, but I haven't found out how to use
>> slots
>> yet, just that they do seem a great idea.
>> Your reply, OTOH, showed me how to go forward, and I thank you.
> I'm going to shoot up a flare but I may not be able to shoot it in a way
> that will visible.  Look as close as you can.  ;-)
> Example:
> KDE.  There is currently two versions of KDE available.  We have the
> stable and widely used KDE 3 and the unstable KDE 4.  Even if KDE 4 was
> not masked and was stable, you could still have KDE 3 and KDE 4 on the
> same system at the same time.  You could use KDE 3, log out of it then
> select KDE 4 and log into the new KDE 4.  KDE is slotted.  Slotted just
> basically means you can have two versions of the same package(s) on the
> same system at the same time.
> Back to the qt thing you are dealing with.  I check this way but there
> are other ways to do this.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # equery list qt
> [ Searching for package 'qt' in all categories among: ]
> * installed packages
> [I--] [  ] dev-libs/dbus-qt3-old-0.70 (0)
> [I--] [  ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r4 (3)
> [I--] [  ] x11-libs/qt-4.3.2-r1 (4)
> I have qt3 and qt4 on here.  Can't recall what pulled in qt4 at the
> moment but they coexist very well.  Note the (3) and (4) on the end
> there?  That's what tells you it is slotted.  If a program needs qt3
> then it uses it.  If it needs qt4 then it can use it.  If you want to
> re-emerge qt3 manually, you can do it this way.  emerge
> =x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r4 will emerge qt3.  Emerge knows to do qt3 because
> there is a equal sign in front that tells it the specific version you
> want to emerge.  If you just type in emerge qt, it will emerge the
> highest version available but not the qt3 version.
> So, does this help any?  Somebody speak up if I am mistaken somewhere.
> Dale

It's certainly an aid, at least the bottom part (like i'd said, I;d foound
several different Gentoo docs giving me descriptions of what slots are, so
I knew that, just that there seem to be no docs anywhere I can locate IN
Gentoo that tell you HOW to use slots.  So, now I know that the parens
signal the slot info, but how do I choose them, select one over anther, adn
even to search for them in emerge?  You gave nice examples, but do you see
why I so much dislike examples when they come INSTEAD OF the full syntax
description?  Cause then you only learn what the example wants to show, and
people don't present exhaustive examples, because (reasonably enough)
examples aren't meant to be exhaustive, that's what the syntax explanations
are for.  I just wish that a rule would be promulgated in Gentoo
documentation that no one could be allowed to present an example unless
they'd gotten out a syntax explanation first.  It won't happen, but I wish
it would.

> :-)  :-)

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