hello there...yesterday i did a major stupidity of mine...i accidentaly
unmerged python
and borked my system...i managed to get my system back to work but since
"fusion-icon" doesn't work...here is what i get when running it from konsole

"jrn23@ ~ > fusion-icon
 * Detected Session: kde
 * Searching for installed applications...
 * NVIDIA on Xorg detected, exporting: __GL_YIELD=NOTHING
 * Using the GTK Interface
 * /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gobject/_gobject.so: undefined
symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_FromObject
 ... Trying another interface
 * Using the Qt4 Interface
 * /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sip.so: undefined symbol:
 ... Trying another interface
 * Using the Qt3 Interface
 * Interface not installed
 *** Error: All interfaces failed, aborting!"

could someone tell me how to solve this?? after the crash and after i
recovered python in order to get 'emerge' to
work i did 'emerge -vNuD world' and then 'revdep-rebuild' and re-emerged
"fusion-icon"...what else should i do??

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