
On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 12:01:08PM +0100, pat wrote:
> My brother has a second disk where was two partitions formated as NTFS (the
> big one) and FAT32 (small one), but something brakes the partition table and
> now there are two linux partition tables +/- the size of the previous logical
> drives.
> Which SW should I use to recover the original partition table? I think about
> gpart, but does it has a GUI? I'm not guru at this :-\

Recovering will be really hard think, if you do not know the exact
numbers there, it is probably impossible.

But you may be lucky and nothing wrote to the data part. In that case,
it should be relatively easy to save the first partition of the two.
Grab fdisk (the unix one is probably better, it does exactly what you
tell it to do and has better help) and create a single partition over
the whole disk, then mount it read-only (so nothing can get corrupted,
if you do something wrong). You should be able to get the data from

I wish you luck

When eating an elephant take one bite at a time.
                -- Gen. C. Abrams

Michal 'vorner' Vaner

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