On Sun, 2008-03-23 at 12:22 -0700, Grant wrote:
> I have some video clips I'd like to trim the beginning and end from.
> Is there a simple tool that will do this?  I'm emerging lives but I
> think it's overkill for this.
> - Grant

You could use mencoder (part of mplayer):

mencoder -ss 1:10 -endpos 1:10:00 -oac copy ovc copy -of avi -o\
truncated.avi original.avi

-ss 1:10                skip the first 1 minute and 10 seconds
-endpos 1:10:00         finish at file position 1 hour and 10 minutes (so the
truncated video would be 1:08:50 long)
-oac copy               do not transcode the audio
-ovc copy               do not transcode the video
-of avi                 write everything into an avi-container
-o truncated.avi        output file

Warning: This simple example doesn't handle additional streams like a
second audio or subtitles. Please refer to mencoder's man-page for
additional options, or ask here ;)

Hope this helps

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