Thanks, I'll try firefox 3. The problem got worse, the computer froze when I 
was watching the flash today.

On 13:09 Sun 13 Apr     , Gustavo Campos wrote:
> I'm a xmonad user here, no compiz at all and the problem exists. As I
> said, it looks pretty much like a sound problem.
> I believe changing for firefox-bin won't help, cause the trouble
> resides in the flash player itself, I think... but it's a shot!
> For me, maybe I'll try firefox 3 beta =)
> On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 4:12 AM, Qi Baobin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > NO.
> >  Does it help if i replace firefox with the forefox-bin package?
> >
> >
> >  On 06:36 Sun 13 Apr     , José Pedro Saraiva wrote:
> >  > Are you using compiz-fusion? There are reported problems with firefox and
> >  > flash contents with compiz-fusion...
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> -- 
> Gustavo Campos
> Ciência da Computação / Computer Science - UFMG
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